My Constipated Cat & the Universe


Hello friends. It has been awhile. Teaching is hard and long hours, but I love it. Sometimes, I don’t love it. lol I am almost half way through my first year, not that I am rushing it. It is almost surreal having your dream manifest before your very eyes. I mean yes, I did the work: I went to school, I graduated and I took the test. I guess what I am saying is, you can do whatever you set your mind to. If I can do it, anyone can do it. My siblings, and myself, were raised by a high school educated single mother, and I did this in my early 50’s gradating at 60, and now 61.

Now to the constipated cat. My kitty is a stray, an outdoor cat. I would not call her Ferrel, because she is just too domesticated. I think I wrote about her…

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