Sunshine Day

Isn’t this just the Grooviest?   What is Groovy you ask?

Well Jimmy Hendrix of course, a big dooby, and, flower power.

Here is a blast from the past. If you are not a Baby Boomer, you will think I am old. You would be correct. lol


Oh yeah….lemons, images of lemons, health benefits of lemons. Just a funny for Google searches.





Sindy See’s A Doctor Who

Should I be watching Dr. Who and blogging? Probably not, but I am. I should be reading History or my Web Design Dreamweaver text. I just saw “Blink” from Season 3, Episode 10.  I had seen the newer one with the Weeping Angels, the scariest of the Dr. Who monsters to me. A delightful episode in which Sally Sparrow helps the Doctor retrieve his Tardis.

I recognized the actress, Carey Mulligan, who stared in the film “An Education”  which I previous blogged about. I quite like her.

Here is a clip from “Blink”

“The Angels have the phone box. I have that on a tee shirt.” lol

The Weeping Angels are also in Season 5

Episode 4 “The Time of Angels”

Episode 5 “Flesh and Stone”

Dr. Who Made Me Cry

Spoiler Alert

So do not read because I am going to give it away. As I told you I was watching a Dr. Who marathon, trying to catch up. The first episode I watched was this one, Vincent & The Doctor. The actor Tony Curran would have made Vincent proud, a much better looking version of my favorite artist. Really enjoyable treatment of the scenes and things that van Gogh painted.

Spoiler Alert

You’ve been warned. 🙂

In one of the last scenes the Doctor takes van Gogh to a museum showing his work. Dr. Who ask the curator what he thinks of the artist within Vincent’s ear shot. Well you will have to watch it to hear what he says, but I cried. It was so moving. lol

My paper on Wagner is not great but I made a Power Point presentation to accompany it.